山东大学有人陪!真的吗?_10,000小时! 您真的需要那么多吗?
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by Nitish Tiwari

由Nitish Tiwari

10,000小时! 您真的需要那么多吗? (10,000 hours! Do you really need that much?)

You must have heard about the now famous . It says:

您一定已经听说了现在著名的 。 它说:

Key to achieving world class expertise in any skill, is, to a large extent, a matter of practicing the correct way, for a total of around 10,000 hours.

The rule was propagated by Malcolm Gladwell’s New York Times bestseller, . In his book, Gladwell talked about the rule frequently, citing the magic number of hours to be practiced before you become a master in that field. In the book, Gladwell took examples of several prominent personalities, and explained how life gave them a chance to finish their 10,000 hours before they achieved greatness.

该规则由Malcolm Gladwell的《纽约时报》畅销书传播。 格拉德威尔(Gladwell)在他的书中经常谈到该规则,并列举了成为该领域的大师之前要练习的不可思议的小时数。 在书中,格拉德威尔(Gladwell)列举了几个杰出人物的例子,并解释了生活如何使他们有机会在成就卓越之前完成10,000个小时。

So, do we really need to slog several hours everyday for years before being able to do what we’d like to do?

What about those of us who didn’t have the chance or resources or even the understanding of what to do with our lives, till recently. As per the rule, even if you’re lucky enough to find your calling, it will still take more than 5 years of daily practice of 5 hours everyday to be able to successfully do, what you’d like to do aka reach 10,000 hours. This is depressing to say the least. People want to go out and make a difference with their work as soon as they can! Such thoughts can already push someone towards not pursuing their dreams, if they aren’t motivated enough.

直到最近,我们当中那些没有机会或资源,甚至不了解如何处理生活的人呢? 按照规则,即使您足够幸运地找到自己的电话,每天仍然需要5年以上的日常练习才能每天成功完成5个小时,而您想要做的事情又要达到10,000个小时。 至少可以说这令人沮丧。 人们希望尽快外出工作,并有所作为! 如果他们没有足够的动力,那么这样的想法可能已经将他们推向了追求梦想的状态。

To answer the question, let’s first take a closer look at the 10,000 hours rule and its origins.


Malcolm Gladwell based his book on on deliberate practice. Anders Ericsson is Professor of Psychology at Florida State University, and is recognized as one of the world’s leading theoretical and experimental researchers on expertise.

马尔科姆·格拉德威尔(Malcolm Gladwell)的著作是基于 ( 关于故意练习的 。 安德斯·爱立信(Anders Ericsson)是佛罗里达州立大学的心理学教授,被公认为全球专业知识方面的领先理论和实验研究人员之一。

After Gladwell’s book, the study (originally published in 1993) became very popular. So much so that, based on book’s view of Ericsson’s study, the study itself was . Finally, Ericsson himself had to that 10,000 hours rule is not what his study showed.

继格拉德威尔(Gladwell)的书之后,这项研究(最初于1993年出版)非常受欢迎。 如此之多,以致于基于本书对爱立信研究的看法,该研究本身受到了 。 最后,爱立信本人必须 10,000小时的规则不是他的研究表明的。

If you’re interested in the final outcome of the back & forth criticisms and clarifications, this sums it all very well. And you guessed it right, there is no such universal timeline that will make you an expert. It depends on several other factors like quality of practice, level of motivation, person’s abilities and more. Here is a quote from the article referred above

如果您对来回批评和澄清的最终结果感兴趣,那么这篇可以很好地总结一下。 您猜对了,没有这样的通用时间表可以让您成为专家。 它取决于其他一些因素,例如实践质量,动力水平,人的能力等等。 这是上述文章的引文

10,000 hours was not actually a number of hours reached, but an average of the time elites spent practicing. Some practiced for much less than 10,000 hours. Others for over 25,000 hours.
10,000小时实际上不是达到的小时数,而是精英们平均花费的练习时间。 有些人练习少于10,000小时。 其他超过25,000小时。

这对刚开始的人们意味着什么? (What does this mean for people just getting started?)

First and foremost — don’t worry, don’t think you don’t have it in you to do it, and don’t let the voices of others drown your own inner voice. Keep on going, not just to accumulate hours, but to make sure each hour counts. Keep fighting the mediocrity, without ruing the hours you’ve spent. Keep getting feedback, keep iterating, keep improving.

首先,最重要的是-别担心,不要以为自己没有做到这一点,也不要让别人的声音淹没自己的内心声音。 继续前进,不仅要累积时间,还要确保每个小时都在计时。 继续与平庸作斗争,而不用担心花费的时间。 不断获得反馈,不断迭代,不断改进。

Doesn’t matter if you’re trying to learn coding or design or writing or something else. Don’t be daunted with the difficulties you will face or the time it will take.

不管您是要学习编码,设计,写作还是其他东西,都没关系。 不要用你面临的困难,否则采取时间吓倒。

I don’t have a new agenda to push through. But I’d like to outline few of the tactics that helped me move from the position I was in, to the position I wanted to be in. The journey is ongoing, but I have made considerable progress and will keep doing so.

我没有要推进的新议程。 但是,我想概述一些策略,这些策略可以帮助我从原来的职位转到想要的职位。这一旅程正在进行中,但我取得了长足的进步,并将继续如此。

  • Learner’s mindset: Students have this great sense of learning and understanding new stuff. But, as people graduate and move to professional fields, this learning capacity decreases. This may have biological reasons, but I like to believe we can still learn a lot from day to day activities and challenges. Keeping eyes and ears open for new knowledge from even unexpected sources will give you a new perspective.

    学习者的心态:学生具有学习和理解新事物的良好意识。 但是,随着人们毕业并进入专业领域,这种学习能力会下降。 这可能是生物学上的原因,但我想相信我们仍然可以从日常活动和挑战中学到很多东西。 睁开眼睛,甚至从意想不到的来源获得新知识,也将为您提供新的视角。
  • Feedback loop: Whatever you do, never make assumptions. You should make data based decisions. Getting feedback is critical to do this. Whether you write code, or design logos, or make websites, try to have a reliable feedback system. You could ask your friends or use various Internet news boards specific to your field to get good, impartial feedback.

    反馈回路:无论您做什么,都不要做任何假设。 您应该基于数据做出决策。 获得反馈对于执行此操作至关重要。 无论您编写代码,设计徽标还是制作网站,都应尝试建立可靠的反馈系统。 您可以要求您的朋友或使用特定于您所在领域的各种Internet新闻板来获得良好,公正的反馈。
  • Learn by doing: I am a software developer, with major of my experience in C, C++. Later on when I started to build , I needed to learn a modern language to build various automation related tasks. I read a book for few days, but it was obvious, books alone aren’t enough to learn new stuff. With modern learning platforms it is now easy to learn on the job.

    边做边学:我是一名软件开发人员,具有我在C,C ++方面的丰富经验。 后来,当我开始构建 ,我需要学习一种现代语言来构建各种与自动化相关的任务。 我读了几天书,但很明显,仅书籍还不足以学习新知识。 借助现代化的学习平台,现在可以轻松地在工作中学习。

  • Review at fixed intervals: Worrying all the time about progress doesn’t help. You can rather have a fixed interval to check in on your progress. This way you can focus better on making actual progress.

    以固定的时间间隔进行检查:一直担心进度无济于事。 您宁可使用固定的时间间隔来检查进度。 这样,您可以更好地专注于取得实际进展。

We’d love to hear methods, tools, tips & tricks that you use. Post them in the comments section!

我们很想听听您使用的方法,工具,技巧和窍门。 将它们发布在评论部分!

As we build , a platform to integrate software development tools, we want to make sure our assumptions are correct. We’re running a short survey to find issues with current software development methodologies. Go ahead, fill it out. It won’t take more than 2 minutes.

在构建 (一个集成软件开发工具的平台)时,我们要确保我们的假设是正确的。 我们正在进行简短调查,以查找当前软件开发方法的问题。 继续,填写它。 不会超过2分钟。




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